Making Sense of Public Opinion Polls: An Interview with Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin
In this issue of the CASJE Research Digest, we share a Q&A with political strategist Dahlia Scheindlin, whose analysis of Israeli and American public opinion post October 7 has recently been featured in news outlets like Haaretz, Foreign Affairs, and the New Yorker. We asked her to share what she sees as best practices for reading and making sense of public opinion polls.
Read the extended interview with Dr. Dahliah Scheindlin.
About the digest: In the context of an expanding global crisis that began with the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7th, CASJE will begin offering accessible, expert research summaries to keep leaders and decision-makers informed and up to date on the latest research evidence regarding the attitudes, behaviors, and needs of American Jews at this time. The CASJE Research Digest is a resource aimed at building a deeper understanding of the impact of this crisis and a shared evidence-base that can inform how communal leaders act at this time. Learn more >>
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