Jewish Peoplehood Education


Jewish Peoplehood Education



In fall 2015, CASJE held a Problem Formulation Convening (PFC) on Jewish Peoplehood Education with a small group of funders to explore this complex and sometimes misunderstood area of focus. Following the PFC, CASJE hosted a blogcast to dig deeper into potential research areas around Jewish Peoplehood Education. This further explored topics such as travel, mifgash, and the defining characteristics that comprise these and other experiences that can contribute to a set of desirable outcomes in Jewish Peoplehood. Over time, CASJE developed a robust research agenda that will inform how funders and practitioners approach Jewish Peoplehood Education.


Project Overview


How and in what ways do young Jews experience these moments and what changes do they undergo as a result of their participation, both in the short and longer term?

CASJE’s fall 2015 Problem Formulation Convening on Jewish Peoplehood Education was a critical first step in exploring this complex and sometimes misunderstood area of focus. A small group of partners began to identify important questions that can serve as the basis for a program of applied research in the Jewish Peoplehood Education field.


Jewish Peoplehood Research Brief: The Connection of Israel Education to Jewish Peoplehood

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Global Jewish Peoplehood Education: Questions from Convenings and Conversations

During the last six months, CASJE has worked to better understand the core challenges in the field of Global Jewish Peoplehood (GJP) Education. We seek to identify how the field’s challenges can be addressed by implementing a robust and systematic program of applied research.

We present here the fruits of those efforts—the outlines of a research program. If pursued (in part or in full), this program will enable Jewish education policymakers (funders, central agencies personnel, administrators, Federation planners, etc.), practitioners, educational leaders, and program participants to make more informed decisions about GJP Education.

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