Career Trajectories Study: Mapping the Market of Jewish Education


Career Trajectories Study



Mapping the Market of Jewish Education

Published July 19, 2021

Mapping the Market looks at the labor market for Jewish education in the United States, analyzing both supply-side and demand-side data. It seeks to understand what employers look for in Jewish educators and how pre-service and professional development programs prepare educators to meet the needs of the learners and communities they serve.

Below is an analytical map of thirty-seven institutions that offer educator preparation and professional development services explored as part of the Mapping the Market study. This audit is not exhaustive. It does not include programs that are geared to the preparation of organizational leaders or organizations whose primary function is curriculum production, development, or delivery. It documents the activities of providers identified either by employers in the eight communities that participated in this study (see On the Journey: Study Methodology and Data Collection Instruments) or by additional key informants as constituting the primary providers of preparation and development services to front-line Jewish educators today.

Key Terms

  • Sector 1: Formal Jewish Education: Day schools, supplemental and afterschool programs, and early childhood centers.
  • Sector 2: Informal/Experiential Settings: Day camps, residential camps, Jewish community centers, youth-serving organizations, and campus organizations.
  • Sector 3: Engagement, Social Justice, and Innovation: National organizations such as Avodah, Hazon, Honeymoon Israel, Moishe House, OneTable, and Repair the World.
  • Sector 4: Communal Institutions and Agencies: Federations, Jewish Community Relations Councils, and Jewish Vocational and Family Services.
  • Sector 5: Non-Organizational Networks: Predominantly made up of self-employed individuals.


 Updated interactive map coming soon. For immediate information, please contact [email protected]